Saturday, January 4, 2014


Here we are, the beginning of 2014.  We have another blank slate, another fresh start!  I take water seriously so I wanted to think about what I would resolve to do in 2014 for water.  There is much to be done and sometimes it may seem overwhelming for one person.  I broke it down to a few promises I want to make to water.

1) Always set the load setting appropriately on my clothes washer. 
2) Check my toilets for leaks twice  a year, when I set the clocks back and forward.  It is just a little food coloring.
3) Replace my husband's shower head with an EPA WaterSense Labeled one.  This will be the trickiest one.
4) Complete a home leak survey and plumbing check annually.

1) Implement the Green Cities Program in Cobb County and retrofit apartments and townhome and condo communities with Ultra High Efficiency Fixtures, saving millions of gallons of water.
2) Develop a new water savers course to help citizens understand our water challenges and provide them equipment and info to help meet the challenges.
3) Expand our programs to commercial customers.
4) Expand our offerings on irrigation and proper planting to increase water quantity and quality best practices.

1) Raise awareness about the work of Water For People by strengthening our committee and brining a presentation to the Annual Georgia Association of Water Professionals' Conference.
2) Donate to charities focused on bringing water and sanitation solutions to those without access.
3) Do one six mile run a month wearing my water for the world shirt and make a "race entry" donation to a water charity.
4) Continue to develop curriculum and education material that incorporates the global challenges faced by much of the world to obtain what we take for granted.

Maybe these aren't earth shattering resolutions but think if everyone resolved to treat water with a little more reverence and respect. Happy New Year!!