Saturday, October 5, 2013


I just returned from a great water conference that always motivates me and so I decided along with my just for myself blog about running and fitness I would add a blog about water.  I also enjoy writing and I often say one of the most challenging things about water is that we have so many water words and most "normal" people don't know or care. 

Today's word is privilege.  Water for the US, Canada, Europe and the developed world is a privilege.  It is the most important thing that no one in the world, that has it, cares about.  I would just ask those that take it for granted when they turn on the tap and make food for their families or just want a drink take a moment to think how very different their lives could be without public water supply.  For example if you are a parent you probably don't worry that your child will be one of the 3,000 that die every day from lack of access to clean water.  You may not know that lack of clean water is the number one cause of death in the world.

We are so far removed from our water supply and the source of our water that we have the gift of objective distance.  If you had to walk everyday 6 KM to get dirty water what would you miss?  You would definitely know your water source.  Ignorance of these things is the ultimate privilege.  Next time you look at your water bill and think about how much it costs.  Think about the value you get. 

Clean, easily accessible water, provides an education, business opportunities, the home you live in, and the health and longevity we enjoy.  Is your water bill still too high?


  1. Nice post! I often feel guilty about even the water that goes down the drain in between rinsing one plate and grabbing the next! Can't think of anything we really take more for granted than clean, drinkable water...

    1. Thanks Brian, I think we all do. We kind of created it and now we are wondering what we do about it.
